경북대학교 농업환경화학연구실
Our laboratory specializes in agricultural environmental chemistry, focusing on scientific approaches to address environmental challenges arising from agricultural activities. Our key research aras include mitigating greenhouse gas emissions(GHGs) from agricultural soils, enhancing soil organic carbon(SOC) sequestration, improving nitrogen use efficiency, quantitatively analyzing carbon and nitrogen dynamics, and developing environmentally friendly agricultural technologies. Through these efforts, we aim to achieve a balance between agricultural productivity and environmental protection, contributing to sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation.
2025.03 권나현학생 석사 진학을 축하합니다
2025.01 이수빈학부 연구생을 환영합니다 👋
2024.11 권나현학생 KSABC(한국응용생명화학회) 우수논문상 수상을 축하합니다
📢 환경화학연구실 연구원을 모집합니다
Depletion of soil organic carbon stocks are larger under plastic film mulching for maize
European Journal of Soil Science
Different response of plastic film mulching on greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) between chemical and organic fertilization in maize upland soil
Science of The Total Environment
Impact of plastic film mulching on global warming in entire chemical and organic cropping systems: Life cycle assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production
ⓒ 2023 agricultural environmental & chemistry
Tel. +82-53-950-8532 | jeonggu@knu.ac.kr(41566) 208, Agricultural build.-1, 80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
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